Update : Water Crisis in Chennai

To alleviate the mounting water woes in Chennai, the government has arranged for a water train that will run between Vellore and Chennai. The train will hold 50,000 liters of water in 50 bogie wagons.

From the railway yard, the water will be moved to the connecting water lines using a 400 mm pipeline laid all along the train. 2 trains (50 bogies each) will move the water between Vellore and Chennai.

Water Crisis in Chennai

Chennai is currently reeling under a water crisis which was brought about by years of mismanagement of wetlands and water resources. Chennai currently suffers from water scarcity with average water availability recorded as only 67% of the total need.

Other water trains in India

A special ‘water train’ was previously run in the drought-hit Marathwada region of Maharashtra. The endeavor was a joint effort of Maharashtra government and Railway Ministry who worked hard to ensure relief to people in the drought-affected region. One of two goods trains carrying 50 wagons of water for drought-affected areas of Latur departed from Kota workshop for Miraj in Pune division. The second goods train consisting of 50 wagons is expected to be ready for water loading.

The carrying capacity of these wagons is 54,000 liters of waters per wagon.




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