United Nations Sasakawa Award

The Department of Civil Defence of Campinas, Brazil, the Mahila Housing Sewa Trust, India, and Dr. Pramod Kumar Mishra, Additional Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister of India were the three laureates of the 2019 United Nations Sasakawa Award for Disaster Risk Reduction.

United Nations Sasakawa Award for Disaster Reduction

United Nations Sasakawa Award for Disaster Reduction was established in 1986 by founding Chairman of the Nippon Foundation, Mr. Ryoichi Sasakawa and is Jointly organized by United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) and the Nippon Foundation every year. The prize money worth approximately US $50,000 is shared among the Laureates.

The Award recognizes individuals, organizations and initiatives that have best contributed to ensuring inclusive, accessible and non-discriminatory participation in disaster risk reduction activities for all sections of society, especially the poor.

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