United Nations Military Gender Advocate of the year award to India’s major Suman Gawani

On the eve of International Day of UN Peacekeepers that is being marked on May 29, Indian major Suman Gawani and Brazilian Naval Officer Carla Monteiro de Castro Araujo are to be presented with the United Nations Military Gender Advocate of the year 2019 award.


For the first time, the award is being shared by two of the officers. The Award was created in 2016. The award recognizes the effort and dedication of military peace keepers that are involved in promoting peace and security in different parts of the world. Major Suman Gawani is the first Indian to receive the award.

About Major Suman Gawani

Suman joined the Indian Army in 2011. She joined the Army Signal Corps after graduating from Officers Training Academy. She completed her schooling in Uttarkashi. She is currently posted in Delhi.

Suman is being presented with the award for her outstanding contribution in UNMISS.


UNMISS is the United Nations Mission in South Sudan. It was established in 2011. As of May 2019, around 15,000 military personnel have been employed in the mission.


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