United Nations launches World Happiness Report, 2020: India ranks 144

On March 20, 2020 United Nations released the World Happiness Report on the International Day of Happiness, 2020. Finland ranked first in the report and India ranked 144. Around 156 countries were assessed under the ranking. This is the eighth World Happiness Report prepared by the organization.

This year the report has given a special role for environments and has linked people’s happiness to their environment. Apart from environment, the report also considers urban, social and other natural factors in framing the index for a country.


Following Finland, Denmark and Switzerland ranked second and third positions respectively. Finland ranked topmost for the third consecutive time. Afghanistan ranked the least. The United States moves by one place and was at 18th position. The United Kingdom was at 13th position.

India was ranked among the least happy nations.


According to the index, the urban-rural difference in India was high. Also, the report noticed that in India, the peri-urban population was happier than urban population.



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