United Nations: India and China likely to stay away from Global Recessions

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) made a new analysis under the title “The COVID-19 Shock to Developing Countries”.


The analysis says that leading exporting countries are to face drop in investments between 2 trillion USD and 3 trillion USD in the next two years. The world economy is to go into recession in 2020-21 in spite of the G20 countries infusing 5 trillion USD. The predicted loss of global economy this year is expected to be in trillion USD. In just two months since the spread of the virus, developing countries have taken a huge hit in terms of currency depreciation, capital outflows, falling commodity prices, losing export earnings, declining tourist revenues.

India and China

The report also says that India and china are to stay out of these global recessions. However, the report did not give proper explanation for the countries being out of the recession. Recently, the ICRA, Moody’s and other leading market observers have predicted that the growth rate of India is to decline. However, they did not bring out factors that might put India in recession mode. This says that though India is to get affected economically by the virus, the impacts are to be minimal as compared to other developing countries.


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