United Nations Day

Every year, the United Nations Day is celebrated on October 24. The day is celebrated to commemorate the creation of the international organization on October 24, 1945. Also, the United National General Assembly established the Charter of the United Nations on October 24, 1947. The charter is basically the rules under which the UN functions. In 1971, the UN passed a resolution to make it an international observance. Also, the UN Assembly has devoted the day to strengthen peace by observing 24 hours of cease fire and non-violence.

About the United Nations Day

The first celebration of the UN day was actually held on June 14, 1942. It was also called World War II Allies Day. On this day, the then President of United States Franklin D Roosevelt launched military parades.


The UN Day is marked with meetings and discussions about the goals and discussions of the organization. The UN Assembly had recommended to observe UN Day as a public holiday. Also, international schools celebrate the diversity in their student body on UN Day.

Special Events

  • In 1951, on UN Day, the United Nations Postal Administration issued the first United Nations Stamps. It was issued in US Dollars.
  • Since 1948, the President of United States issued a proclamation for the United Nations Day. This is in practice till date.
  • The UN Day is the last school day in Philippines. The school children dress up customarily and hold several programmes on UN Day.

Kosovo and UN Day

The UN Day is an official non-working day in Kosovo. Kosovo is administered by the Interim Administration Mission. The United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) operates under the United Nations Security Council. It was formed in 1999. Today, it has limited powers over Kosovo after the latter declared independence. Kosovo is now following European Union Rule of Law Mission (EULEX). Kosovo is claimed by Serbia. Russia and China did not agree to UNMIK.

UN Day, 2021

The UN Day, 2021 was celebrated under the following theme:

Theme: Building back together for peace and prosperity

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