United Nations Bio Diversity Summit to discuss threats to Migratory Species from Infrastructural Development

PM Modi is to inaugurate the Conference of Parties to the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS COP 13) on February 17, 2020 in GandhiNagar, Gujarat. The 13th conference of Migratory Species is the first meet on bio diversity. It is conducted under the theme

Theme: Migratory Species connect the planet and together we welcome them home


The Conference will consider the need for implementation of guidance tools that will mitigate the impacts of infrastructure on migratory species. So far, the infrastructural threats to large mammals was governed by the Central Asian Mammals Initiative. The CMS Guidelines currently deals only with the underwater noises. It does not include threats related to infrastructural development. Therefore, this conference will focus on such threats and also aquatic species facing threats due to coastal developments such as roads, restaurants and hotels. The conference will also discuss Turtle Nesting and the threats.


The discussion is important because there are more than 25 million kilo metres of new roads to be constructed by 2050. This will increase by 60% as compared to the roads in 2010. In the next 40 years, 3,35,000 km of railway tracks are to be constructed.


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