Union Government approves National Oil Spill Contingency Plan

In order to mitigate the impact of oil spills on the marine environment the Union Government has approved the National Oil Spill Contingency Plan (NOSDCP).
The central objective behind this plan is to reduce the impact of all oil spills on the environment by setting specific standards for oil spill equipment stockpiles, establishing time frames for oil spill response and enhancing collaboration among partner agencies.
Massive efforts were put in by the various resource agencies and stakeholders for cleaning of oiled mangroves at Sikka and Sarmat in the Gulf of Kutchchh, capping of gas leak from the ONGC well off Kakinada, and response to the fire onboard M.V Amsterdam Bridge off the Mumbai harbour.
The government feels the need for periodical review of contingency plans in order to ensure speedy and efficient mobilisation of critical resources in the event of any oil spill exigency.



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