Union Cabinet approves bill to amend the ST list of Arunachal Pradesh

The Union cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has approved the bill to amend the ST list of Arunachal Pradesh. The bill Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order (Amendment) Bill, 2018 will now be introduced in the parliament for seeking the approval.

Amendment to the ST list of Arunachal Pradesh

The amendment bill Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order (Amendment) Bill, 2018 aims to make following changes in the schedule tribes list of Arunachal Pradesh:

  • The ‘Nocte’, ‘Tangsa’, Tutsa’, ‘Wancho’ would be included in lieu of ‘Any Naga Tribes’ in serial No. 10 in the list of ST of Arunachal Pradesh.
  • Deletion of ‘Abor’ in serial No. 1, as it is the same as ‘Adi’ in Serial No. 16.
  • Replacing Tai Khamti’ instead of ‘Khampti’ at serial No. 6.
  • Inclusion of ‘Mishmi-Kaman’ (Miju Mishmi), Idu (Mishmi) and Taraon (Digaru Mishmi) in serial No. 8.
  • Inclusion of Monpa, Memba, Sartang, Sajolong (Miji) in serial No. 9 in lieu of ‘Momba’.

Procedure to amend the ST list

Under the article 342 (1) of the Constitution of India, the President of India was empowered to specify, the castes, races, tribes or parts of groups within castes or races, which shall be deemed to be Scheduled Tribes in relation to that State or Union territory. Thereafter to amend the ST list, a law must be passed by the Parliament.


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