Union Cabinet approves three big power schemes

The Union cabinet has approved three major projects for the power sector. They are Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana, Integrated Power Development Scheme and the North Eastern Region Power System Improvement Project.

Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS)

  • It aims to strengthen the transmission and distribution (T&D) networks, 100 per cent metering urban areas and smarten it with information technology.
  • In this scheme IT enablement will help in reduction in AT&C losses, establishment energy accounting /auditing system, improvement in billed energy based on metered consumption and improvement in collection efficiency.

Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana(DDUGJY)

  • DDUGJY project is based on the Gujarat model of power reforms for feeder separation of agricultural and domestic usage and strengthening of T&D infrastructure in rural areas.
  • This scheme aims to help in improving in hours of power supply in rural areas, reducing peak load, improving in billed energy based on metered consumption and providing access to electricity to rural households.

North Eastern Region Power System Improvement Project (NERPSIP)

  • NERPSIP is for six north eastern states viz Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tripura and Nagaland. It is meant for strengthening of the Intra State Transmission and Distribution System.
  • This project will be taken up under a new Central Sector Plan Scheme of Ministry of Power (MoP) and implemented with the assistance of World Bank loan and the budget of MoP.
  • Implementation of this project will create a reliable State power grid and improve its connectivity to the upcoming load centres, and thus extend the benefits of the grid connected power to all the consumers.
  • It will also provide the required grid connectivity to such villages and towns of the six states, where development of distribution system at the downstream level has been taking place under previous Government of India’s (Gol) sponsored electrification schemes.

These projects are considered as major step towards meeting the NDA government’s national objective of “Power to All” by enhancing access of consumers to grid connected power supply through improving its availability and reliability.  Power to All aims facilitating inclusive growth.


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