Uninor signed worth Rs 1,200 cr contract with Huawei for modernising its network

Uninor a subsidiary of Norway’s telecom major Telenor has inked an agreement worth 1,200 crore rupees with Chinese firm Huawei for modernising and managing its network across six circles in the country.
The advancement of payment will be done in phase manner for three years. As per the partnership Huawei will modernise and manage Uninor’s network by making it future ready for 4G network and internet service.
Accordingly Huawei India will modernise its entire telecom network across all six operating telecom circles in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, UP (East), UP (West), Bihar (including Jharkhand), which as of now has 24,000 base stations.
Huawei has announced that the network modernisation will be done in environment-friendly green solutions that would lower power consumption by almost 30 per cent and increase spectral efficiency.
Significance of this deal is that it is the largest deal of its kind in the Indian telecom industry, where Huawei will also become the managed services partner of Uninor.
Uninor has about 40 million mobile customers in the country of which 26 per cent of are active internet users.


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