UN TIR Convention

India became the 71st country to ratify the United Nations TIR (Transports Internationaux Routiers) Convention, a move that will help boost trade through smoother movement of goods across territories.

The ratification is a part of India’s multi-modal transport strategy that aims to integrate the economy with global and regional production networks through better connectivity.

The TIR Convention will also facilitate India’s current national and multilateral connectivity-related initiatives to improve cross border road transport, facilitating overland trade integration with both eastern and western neighbours. It will also help India in implementing the World Trade Organization’s Trade Facilitation Agreement, which entered into force this year.


The Customs Convention on International Transport of Goods under cover of TIR Carnets, 1975 (TIR Convention) is an international transit system under United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). The convention facilitates seamless movement of goods within and amongst the parties to the Convention. It is managed and developed by the International Road Transport Union.

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