UN Development Programme: Telangana tops sustainable growth goals performer list

According to the United National Development Programme (UNDP), Telangana has emerged the best performing states in terms of achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

It is to be noted that in December 2019, India released SDG India Index. India was the first country to release SDG index. The index was launched by NITI Aayog.


Telangana topped the UNDP ranking of Indian states based on their progress in achieving SDGs. The state of Telangana scored 82. It was followed by states of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka together with a score of 72. However, Kerala followed by Himachal Pradesh lead the list.

The states have been scored based on Sustainable Development Index.


The state has improved in 8 out of 17 SDGs. It has moved from score of 75 to 82. It out performed in clean water, energy, sanitation. The state was also ranked number one in terms of Reduced Inequality. It was ranked third in Affordable and Clean Energy and fourth in climate action.

Performance of Telangana

In terms of economic growth, the state has jumped from 75% to 82%. In terms of clean water and sanitation, the state has improved from 55% to 84%. In terms of sustainable cities and communities the state has improved from 44% to 62%.


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