UN calls for Scaling-up “Carbon Capture, Use and Storage” Technology

The United Nations report have called to scale up the carbon capture, use and storage in light with the Paris Agreement on Climate change which aims for the net-zero emissions goal in order to limit the global warming.


The scaling-up “carbon capture, use & storage” (CCUS) technology comprises of the component like capturing the CO2 emissions from the coal and gas power plants. It also seeks to capture carbon emissions from the heavy industry for its deep underground storage or reusing it.  United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) stated that deployment of CCUS technology on a large scale would permit the countries to decarbonize these sectors. The UN report have warned that, time is nearing to deliver the Paris Agreement and 2030 Agenda for the Sustainable Development. The countries like United states, Scandinavia, and United Kingdom are leading the way. On the other hand, the smaller nations need the international partners and financing.

Carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS)

CCUS is a significant carbon emissions reduction technology. This technology can be applied all across the energy sector. These technologies comprise of the process to capture carbon dioxide (CO2) from fuel combustion or industrial processes, transporting the CO2 through the ship or pipeline, and lastly to use it as a resource in order to create valuable products or services or to store it permanently underground in the geological formations. These technologies further provided for the carbon removal or negative emissions of the carbon dioxide either coming from the bio-based process or from the atmosphere directly.

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

It is one among the five regional commissions that works under the jurisdiction of United Nations Economic and Social Council. The commission was set up with the objective of promoting economic cooperation and integrations among member states. It comprises of 56 member states. Some of the non-European members include: Canada, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Israel, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and United States of America.


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