In a bold step towards advancing education and literacy among adults in India, the ULLAS app was launched on the sidelines of the Akhil Bhartiya Siksha Samgam (ABSS). This groundbreaking initiative, spearheaded by Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, the Union Minister of Education and Minister of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, aims to revolutionize lifelong learning.

Understanding ULLAS: The Journey Begins

ULLAS, an acronym for “Understanding Lifelong Learning for All in Society,” is not just an app; it is a transformative tool aimed at bridging the educational gaps in society. Its primary objective is to reach out to over 12 lakh drop-out students and individuals who couldn’t access formal education and bring them back into the learning fold.

Fostering Adult Education and Literacy

At its core, the ULLAS app is committed to promoting adult education and literacy across the nation. It seeks to impart basic education, digital literacy, financial literacy, and critical life skills to citizens aged 15 and above. By providing a user-friendly and interactive platform, ULLAS enables learners to acquire knowledge at their own pace and convenience.

Volunteerism: Driving the Change

One of the standout features of ULLAS is its implementation through volunteerism. The app encourages the active involvement of volunteers who are passionate about fostering a culture of continuous learning and knowledge-sharing in communities across India. This collaborative approach creates a powerful learning ecosystem, ensuring education reaches every individual.

The New India Literacy Programme: A Supportive Framework

The Government of India has approved the New India Literacy Programme, spanning from FYs 2022 to 2027, to encompass all aspects of “Education For All,” previously known as Adult Education. This scheme aligns with the National Education Policy 2020 and aims to enhance access to resources and online modules, covering various adult education topics.

A Digital Gateway to Learning

The ULLAS app acts as a virtual portal for learners, granting them entry to a wide range of educational materials accessible via the DIKSHA portal of NCERT. This seamless access empowers individuals to expand their knowledge and skills, breaking barriers of traditional learning.

Prioritizing Vital Life Skills

ULLAS goes beyond the conventional scope of education. It emphasizes the promotion of vital life skills, particularly financial literacy and legal literacy. By equipping learners with these essential skills, ULLAS prepares them for active participation in society and the economy.

Symbolizing the Enthusiasm and Vigour of Learning

The logo and slogan of ULLAS, “ULLAS: Nav Bharat Saksharta Karyakram,” beautifully capture the campaign’s enthusiasm and vigour. The logo symbolizes the spreading of the light of knowledge across every corner of the country, igniting curiosity and a passion for learning in every individual.



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