UGC approves journals for Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics (CARE)

The University Grants Commission (UGC) has approved the list of journals for the “CARE Reference List of Quality Journals”. The Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics (CARE) is tasked to scrutinise and then compile a list of journals for social sciences, humanities, language, arts, culture, Indian Knowledge system etc.

Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics (CARE)

UGC had established Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics (CARE) to prepare a “CARE Reference List of Quality Journals”. The Consortium would compile a list of “credible quality journals” which would ultimately replace UGC’s own list of journals.
The Consortium would be headed by headed by the UGC Vice Chairman and would consist of government bodies and statutory councils.

Why the UGC has formed the Consortium?

A research paper led by Professor Bhushan Patwardhan had found that 88% of 1,009 journals recommended by universities and included in the white list were dubious and only 112 journals met the criteria set by UGC to be included in the list.
This high instance of the dubious journals had adversely impacted the image of UGC and as well as India at the international stage. Hence the UGC had announced the setting up of Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics to scrutinise and then compile a list of quality journals,
With Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics (CARE), UGC which is the principal funding agency for the universities aims to effectively discharge the responsibility of setting up academic standards and ensuring that they are followed.


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