UAE mulling the postponement of World Expo 2020

In light of the global COVID-19 pandemic, UAE is discussing the possibility of postponing the World Expo 2020 Dubai with other stakeholders.


The organisers of the 2020 World Expo have been considering the postponement of the event in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the economy. It was originally scheduled to be conducted on October 30th 2020. The decision to postpone the event would be taken by BIE’s General Assembly and Executive Committee.

World Expo 2020

The World Expo 2020 is to be organised in Dubai in UAE. The event is expected to be a major economic driver for the country and the UAE has already spent billions for its infrastructure. Over a 130 countries are to participate in the event, including India.


BIE or Bureau International des Expositions is the World Expo governing body. It was established in November of 1928 by the signing of the Convention Relating to International Exhibitions in Paris. It is headquartered in Paris, France. According to the article 28 of the BIE Convention, 2/3rd majority vote from the member states of the organisation is required for changing the date of the World Expo event.

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