Two new products to enable COVID-19 disinfection process introduced by DRDO

The unit has been developed by Centre for Fire Explosive and Environment Safety by using its expertise in mist technology used to suppress fire. The unit uses water mist aerator technology to spray sanitizer while entering public places. There are no contacts between the user and the unit throughout its operation.


The unit uses an ultrasonic sensor. An atomizer has been fixed to minimize the release of sanitizer. The unit will release 5 to 6 ml of sanitizer in 12 seconds.


The unit can be installed in malls, hospitals, office buildings, airports, residential buildings, railway stations, metro stations.

UV sanitization box

The box uses Ultra Violet rays to kill the genetic material in virus such as COVID-19. The UV rays produced in the box is of wavelength 185 nm. This wavelength produces ozone gas as well. The box is a hand held device. It can be used to disinfect house hold objects, files, food packets, etc. The exposure time required for an object to get disinfected is 45 seconds.


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