Twenty Point Programme

The Twenty Point Programme was initially launched by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in 1975 and was subsequently restructured in 1982 and again on 1986. With the introduction of new policies and programmes it has been finally restructured in 2006 and it has been in operation at present. The Programmes and Schemes under TPP-2006 are in harmony with the priorities contained in the National Common Minimum Programme, the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations and SAARC Social Charter. The restructured Programme, called Twenty Point Programme – 2006 (TPP-2006), was approved by the Cabinet on 5th October, 2006 and operated w.e.f 1.4.2007.

Objective of Twenty Point Programme

The basic objective of the 20-Point Programme is to eradicate poverty and to improve the quality of life of the poor and the under privileged population of the country. The programme covers various Socio-economic aspects like poverty, employment, education, housing, health, agriculture and land reforms, irrigation, drinking water, protection and empowerment of weaker sections, consumer protection, environment etc.

20 Points

The 20 points of the Programme and its 66 items have been carefully designed and selected to achieve the above objectives. The 20 Point Program Consisted following:

  1. Attack on rural poverty
  2. Strategy for Rained agriculture
  3. Better use of irrigation water
  4. Bigger harvest
  5. Enforcement of Land Reforms
  6. Special Programs for rural labour
  7. Clean drinking water
  8. Health for all
  9. two child norm
  10. expansion of education
  11. Justice for SC / ST
  12. Equality for women
  13. New Opportunities for women
  14. Housing for the people
  15. Improvement for slums
  16. New Strategy for Forestry
  17. Protection of environment
  18. concern for the consumer
  19. Energy for the villages
  20. A responsive administration

20 Points as defined in 2006

The TPP further restructured in 2006 had following Points:

  1. Poverty eradication
  2. power to people
  3. Support to farmers
  4. Labour welfare
  5. Food security
  6. Clean drinking water
  7. Housing for all
  8. Health for all
  9. Education for all
  10. Welfare of SC/ ST/ OBC and minorities
  11. Women welfare
  12. Child welfare
  13. Youth Development
  14. Improvement of slums
  15. Environment protection and afforestation
  16. Social security
  17. Rural Roads
  18. Energising of rural areas
  19. Development of Backward areas
  20. IT enabled and e-governance

The monitoring of the programme at the centre has been assigned to the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India. The management information system relating to Twenty Point developed by the Ministry consists of a monthly Progress Report (MPR) and yearly Review of the Programme, Point-wise, Item-wise and State-wise. The monthly report covers progress on the implementation of the programme for 20 crucial points for which there is pre-set physical targets and the Yearly Review presents an analytical review of the performance of all the items under the programme.
Among the 20 points and 66 items mentioned earlier, 25 items are monitored on monthly basis. In the Monthly Progress Reports, prepared and published by the Central Nodal Department, ranking among States are being prepared and published depending on the percentage of achievements against targets of 20 ranking items/parameters (in case of West Bengal). Up til now, this Department has received and furnished consolidated MPR, in the prescribed format, for the month of January ‘2008. The list of ranking items and their physical progress reports against targets are furnished below for better comprehension of the subject. It is pertinent to mention here that among the ranking 20 items/parameters, the monthly reports for three Items are being directly submitted to the central Nodal Department by the concerned implementing Departments. This State Nodal Department then sends reports for the following 17 items parameters.

  1. Total Swarojgaries Assisted under SGSY (Panchayat Department & RD)
  2. SHGs to whom income Generating activities provided
  3. Rural Housing – Indira Awas Yojna (Housing Departments)
  4. EWS/LIG Houses in urban Areas
    Rural Areas
  5. (a) Accelerated Rural water supply programme
    (b) Slipped back habitations with water quality problems
    Immunization of children
    6. (a) Routine Immunisation (Health Department*)
    (b) Pulse Polio Immunisation
    7. SC Families Assisted (Backward Classes welfare Department)
    8. Universalising of ICDS Scheme [ICDS Blocks Operational (cum)] 9. Functional Anganwadis (cum)
    9. No. of poor Families Assisted under 7 point charter (Municipal Affairs/UD Implementing Agency )
    11. (a) Area covered under Plantation (Forest Department)
    (b) No. of Seedings Planted (Forest Department)
    12. Rural Roads – PMGSY ( Panchayats and R & D)
    13. Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyntikaran Jojana – Villages electrified
    14. Energising pump sets ((Power Department)


  1. Anonymous

    September 11, 2010 at 7:19 am

    always commendable

  2. b rajeshwar

    November 9, 2011 at 7:50 am

    sofar its not implemented effectively

  3. rajendra singh

    January 21, 2012 at 10:17 am

    Thanks for Gk today team
    its imagine that how you maintaining and helping many aspirants of civil service.


    January 7, 2013 at 2:50 pm

    I am very happy this website see

  5. ramesh krishnan

    January 28, 2013 at 6:29 pm

    thanks for this beautiful article……………….

  6. Gaurang

    July 18, 2013 at 8:12 pm

    yaa… really i am happy on this website.this is the very imp. website for me.thanks


    December 26, 2014 at 1:31 am


  8. Ashok kudnar

    March 17, 2015 at 11:39 am

    Thanks to website for good help for me

  9. Jaye R. Nursimhulu

    April 10, 2015 at 11:44 pm

    My full respect for this website because being from Mauritius and having studied in Motherland India back between 1975 and 1980 at the time when this most Honourable lady, Mrs. Indira Gandhi was the Prime Minister of our generation, and the one and only one who dared to defy corruption, who was the one and only one to think and to have vision for 50 years ahead and was able to bring real changes in one of the poorest countries in the world of that time with her 20-Point Programme. Today, if India has progressed and is still progressing, every one, including Prime Minister Modi will admit that I am not wrong by saying that it is thanks to this 20-Point Programme which is being amended and improved every now and then that India is qualified as a giant of the world economy.

  10. B.Ramesh

    April 27, 2015 at 12:01 pm

    Thanks to concerned who upload the information, which are very useful to the aspirants once again i hearty thanks.

  11. ramakrishna mandapati

    May 14, 2015 at 10:35 pm

    Very use full programs thank you please advice how to utilized

  12. vikas ohlan

    January 10, 2017 at 4:57 pm

    रिस्पैक्डीड सर,
    हमारे गांव मे 1981-82 में 100 वर्ग गज के प्लाट काटे गए थे जिनकी रजिस्ट्रीयो पर (भूमिहीन कामगारो) के लिए लिखा हुआ है। मुझे सिर्फ यह पता करना है कि ये प्लाट कौन सी स्कीम के तहत काटे गए थे। ओर इनकी टर्म और कंडीसन्स क्या थी। प्लीज रिप्लाय मी

  13. khushal chauhan

    September 24, 2017 at 8:05 pm

    I have no apprehensions to praise you for your honest narration of brief account of 20- point programme initiated by ,late honourable prime minister of India for alleviation of poverty in India.


    August 24, 2018 at 10:27 pm

    We don,t know, who did what? Only time can assess that. So,Yes, i appreciate that the government of those days had some agendas and slogans with them, e.g.- TPP, Garibi htao, etc. But, the fact remained that we, the citizenry of this land, never tried enthusiastically, to coordinate with the government except, only expecting a whole lot of things from government of the day, as if they has some magical wand.

    • NS

      May 26, 2020 at 12:11 pm

      Well said Sandip. I agree that people’s participation, rising above petty differences based on caste etc would have helped and kept the government at all levels, accountable.


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