Tunga Dam construction: Number of Migratory birds decreases

The number of migratory birds arriving to Mandagadde bird sanctuary has reduced due to the construction of Tunga dam.


Earlier around 10,000 migratory birds would arrive at the Mandagadde bird sanctuary in July 2020 and go back in December after hatching of eggs. Today, their numbers have reduced to 500-600. The decline in the number of birds reaching the sanctuary is because of two reasons  which are as follows

  • The construction of Tunga Dam
  • Unavailability of Latex trees that the birds look for.

Tunga River

The Tunga Dam is constructed across the Tunga river in Karnataka. The river is famous for the sweetness of its water. The waters of Tunga river is the sweetest in the world. The river is born in the Western Ghats.

Tunga and Bhadra rivers join to form the Tungabhadra river, tributary of Krishna river.

How dams affect Migratory birds?

The dams creates barriers between feeding and breeding zones. The dams inundate the resting zones of the migratory birds.


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