Tri-Netra Technology

The Tri-Netra (Terrain Imaging for Drivers Infrared, Enhanced, Optical & Radar Assisted) technology is developed by the Development cell under the guidance of the railway board. It draws inspiration from the technology employed by fighter aircrafts to see through clouds and operate in pitch darkness and the technology used by naval ships in mapping the ocean floor and navigating in the night.

What Tri-Netra Stands for?

Tri-Netra technology comprises of high-resolution optical video camera, high sensitivity infra-red video camera and additionally a radar-based terrain mapping system.

How it will aid in preventing accidents?

The three components of Tri-Netra will act as three eyes (Tri-Netra) for the Locomotive Pilot. These will aid the Locomotive Pilot during inclement weather by combining the images captured by the three sub-systems. The system would create a composite video image which shall be displayed in front of the Loco Pilot on a computer monitor.

This will aid in addressing the visibility issues faced by the Locomotive Pilots during fog, heavy rain and also during night. The technology will also aid in spotting any obstruction on the track such as vehicles which get stuck while crossing the track or trees or boulders which have fallen across the track etc.

The moving trains have heavy momentum. The better vision assisted by Tri-Netra Technology will aid in applying breaks well in time to avert accidents.

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