Population of India: Facts & Trends

According to 2011 Census, India has a population of about 1,210 million, which accounts for around 17.5% of the total world population. Globally, India is the second populous country in the world, next only to China. India sustains 17.5% of the world population with a meagre 2.4% of the world’s surface area (135.79 million sq. km).

India with 17.5% of world’s population along with United States (4.5%), Indonesia (3.4%), Brazil (2.8%) and Russia (2%) accounts for about half of the world’s population.  India’s population is almost equal to the population of six countries, namely, the United States, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Japan.  It is estimated that India will overtake China in terms of population by 2030 to become the most populous country in the world. Globally, a little more than 1 out of every 6 persons is from India.

According to Census 2011, Uttar Pradesh is the most populous state of India while Sikkim is the least populous state of India. The four big states-Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Bihar-accounts for about 40% of India’s total population. Sadly, these states still register an alarming high crude birth rate.  India’s population is mainly concentrated in the Gangetic Plains. It is followed by eastern and western coastal regions of the Deccan plateau.

Trends of Population Growth in India

India has a population of only 238 million at the turn of the 20th century. This figure has increased four times over a period of 110 years to touch 1,210 million in 2011. Population of India in 1941 was 31.86 crores. This figure got increased mani-fold in the subsequent census to 36.10 crores in 1951, 43.92 crores in 1961, 54.81 crores in 1971, 68.33 crores in 1981, 84.64 crores in 1991, 102 crores in 2001 and finally reached 121 crores in 2011. As per the estimates of the United Nations, while the population of the world grew at an annual rate of 1.23% in the time period 2000 to 2010, India recorded an annual growth rate of 1.64% during 2001 to 2011. While India’s population growth in the first-half of 20th century grew one and a half times, the growth in the later half was phenomenal with a threefold increase. Since Independence, India’s population has registered a sharpest decline during 2001 to 2011.

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The growth rate of population started rising till 1951 though it was not a cause of concern. But after 1951, there was an alarming rise in the population. It continued till 1981. Since 1981, though population has been growing in absolute numbers, growth rate has been declining, offering a slight relief to the policy makers of the country. The growth of India’s population can be divided into four periods.

Period of Stable Population (1891-1921)

During the period from 1891 to 1921, growth of Indian population was very slow and it was almost stable. During this period, only 1.27 crore persons were added to the total population. The size of the population increased from 23.87 crore in 1891 to 25.14 crore in 1921. The decades of 1891-1901 and 1911-1921 witnessed negative growth of population because of famines. During the decade of 1901-1911, there was positive growth of population.

Period of Steady Rise in Population (1921-1951)

The year 1921 was referred as the year of ‘Great Divide.’ From 1921 onwards India’s population started rising steadily. The average annual growth rate of population during this 30 years period increased to 1.22 percent. In absolute number, population of India increased by 10.96 crore during this period.

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Period of Population Explosion (1951-1981)

Population Explosion is a situation in which size of population tends to become enormous owing to a widening gulf between birth rate and death rate. During the phase of 1951-1981, India witnessed population explosion. Growth rate of population reached to 2.2% by 1981. Average annual growth rate of the population during this period reached to 2.15%.

Period of Declining Growth Rate of Population (1981 Onwards)

From 1981 onwards, India’s population is growing consistently but growth rate of population has been falling. Average annual growth rate of population was 1.64 percent in 2011. It was 2.16 in 1991 and 1.97 in 2001.But in its absolute size, population continues to rise. From 1981 to 201153 crore people were added to our population.

Population Concerns

With this rate of population growth, India cannot sustain for long. It will especially hurt the under privileged sections of the Indian society. It is because the government may not be able to provide medical facilities, education and housing to all sections of the population with its limited physical and technical resources. So, there is an urgent need to halt the population growth in India. Otherwise it will pull India downward in every aspect.

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