‘Tree City of the World’ Tag

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (UN-FAO) along with Arbor Day Foundation has recognized Hyderabad and Mumbai jointly as the ‘2021 Tree City of the World.’


  • The recognition has been won by the two Indian cities due to their commitment to maintaining and growing greenery and urban trees so as to build resilient, healthy, and happy cities.
  • This is the first time Mumbai has made it to the list.
  • Hyderabad has been featured on this list for the second consecutive year.

 ‘Tree Cities of the World’ tag

The programme was started by the UN-FAO and Arbor Day Foundation, an American non-profit organisation. The aim of starting this programme was to recognise towns and cities across the world that are committed to ensuring that their trees and urban forests are sustainably managed, properly maintained, and duly celebrated. Under this programme assistance, direction, and worldwide recognition is provided to those communities that are showing dedication to their urban forest. The programme also provides a framework for a sustainable and healthy urban forestry programme in a city or a town.

How is a city recognized as a Tree City?

To be recognized as a ‘Tree City,’ a city needs to meet five core standards that show its commitment to caring for its forests and trees. For a city to be recognized as a Tree City, it must delegate responsibility for the caring of trees within the municipal boundary to a city department, a staff member, or a group of citizens known as a Tree Board. Also, a law or an official policy must be in place in the city to govern the management of trees and forests. The city must also have an updated assessment or inventory of the local tree resources so that it can establish an effective long-term plan for caring for, planting, and removing city trees. The city must also have a dedicated annual budget for implementing a tree management plan. Also, the city must organise an annual celebration of trees with the aim of raising awareness among the people and must also acknowledge the citizens who have carried out the tree programme in the city.



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