Transparency International: Assam tops in budget formulation

According to the survey conducted by Transparency International, Assam tops in terms of budget formulation followed by Odisha and Andhra Pradesh. The states that were ranked lower in terms of budget formulation are Goa, Maharashtra and Punjab.


The survey was conducted by the organization based on four parameters such as budgetary process, public disclosure, post budget fiscal management and efforts to make budget citizen friendly.

Transparency International

The international Non-Governmental Organization measures and prevents criminal activities arising due to corruption. It releases Global Corruption Index annually. The organization is also a member of UNESCO, United National Global Compact, UNESCO Consultative Status, United Nations Sustainable Development Group.

The Headquarters of Transparency International is located in Germany.

Other Key products of Transparency International

The Organization also provides Global Corruption Barometer that asks citizens about their personal experiences of corruption in their daily lives. Apart form this the organization also publishes Government Anti-Corruption Index.


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