More transparency expected from China with Trans-border River Agreement in place

Screenshot_2In another major confidence building measure between India and China, both nations inked Trans-Border River Agreement (TBRA). The pact extends a previous MoU to provide hydrological date in the flood season to cover a longer time period. Unlike the current agreement, the new one is not just about sharing data, but has expanded the scope to discuss other issues of mutual interest.
Besides this, 2014 has been designated as a year of Friendly Exchanges between India and China and both nations are to discuss with Myanmar ways to mark the 60th anniversary of the Panchsheel.

What is the significance of Trans-Border River Agreement (TBRA) with China for India?

For India, this would specifically mean the hydropower projects that China is constructing on the Brahmaputra. Construction of a 510 MW project has begun at Zangmu, and three other projects got the approval in January 2013. India has asked for more transparency from the Chinese side on the number and size of these projects.



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