Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill

The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill has been approved by the Union cabinet to be introduced in the ongoing session of Parliament.

Why this bill?

  • The Bill will provide a mechanism for the social, economic and educational empowerment of the transgender community.
  • The proposed bill will benefit a significant number of transgender by mitigating their stigma, reducing discrimination and abuse and aid in ensuring the entry of this marginalized community into the mainstream.
  • It will improve inclusiveness in the society of the transgender people and make them productive parts of the nation.

Who is a transgender?

A transgender person is one who is partly female or male or is a combination of female and male; or neither female nor male. The person s gender must not match the gender assigned at birth and includes trans-men, trans-women, persons with intersex variations and gender-queers.

A transgender person must obtain a certificate of identity as proof and this certificate will be granted by the District Magistrate on the recommendation of a Screening Committee comprising of a medical officer, a psychologist/psychiatrist, a district welfare officer, a nominated government official, and a transgender person.

Why is the bill necessary?

One of the most marginalized communities in the country is the Transgender community. They rarely fit into the stereotypical categories of gender of men or women and thus face problems which range from social exclusion to discrimination, lack of education facilities, unemployment, lack of medical facilities etc.

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