TRAI Recommends Changes to FM Radio Broadcasting Regulations

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has released its recommendations on issues related to FM Radio Broadcasting in response to a request from the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB). The purpose of these recommendations is to address key issues related to FM Radio Broadcasting, including the calculation of annual license fees, the extension of license periods, permitting private FM radio broadcasting of news, ensuring the availability of FM radio receivers in mobile handsets, and establishing compliance oversight measures.

De-linking Annual License Fee from Entry Fee

TRAI recommends removing the linkage of the annual license fee for FM radio channels to the Non-Refundable One Time Entry Fee (NOTEF). Instead, the license fee should be calculated as 4% of the Gross Revenue (GR) of the FM radio channel during the respective financial year, with GST excluded from GR.

Extension of FM License Period

TRAI suggests extending the existing FM license period of 15 years by an additional 3 years.

Private FM Radio Broadcasting of News

TRAI recommends permitting private FM radio channels to broadcast independent news bulletins, limited to 10 minutes in each clock hour. It also proposes applying the program code of conduct for news content as applicable to All India Radio to private FM radio channels.

Availability of FM Radio Receivers in Mobile Handsets

TRAI proposes that functions or features related to FM radio should remain enabled and activated on all mobile handsets with the necessary hardware. Built-in FM radio receivers in mobile handsets must not be subject to any form of disablement or deactivation.

Compliance Oversight

TRAI suggests the establishment of a Standing Committee, headed by a senior officer of Joint Secretary or above level, to oversee and monitor compliance by mobile phone manufacturers (or importers) regarding the enablement of FM radio functionality in mobile handsets. The committee should include key stakeholders such as MIB, AROI, MAIT, and ICEA.

Online Grievance Redressal Portal

TRAI recommends the creation of an online grievance redressal portal for submitting information or complaints in cases of non-compliance regarding the enablement of FM radio functionality in mobile handsets with the necessary hardware.



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