TRACE Bribery Risk Matrix: India ranks 77

On November 19, 2020, the Global Bribery Risk Matrix was released by TRACE. India ranked 77 with a score of 45 in the global list.

India in the Global Bribery Risk Matrix

In 2019, India was at 78th position with a score of 48. In 2020, India has performed better than that of China, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal. Bhutan was the only neighbour that was ranked better than India. Bhutan secured 48th rank on the list.

About the ranking

The ranking is prepared by TRACE International. It is the world leading anti-bribery standard setting organisation. The TRACE Bribery Risk Matrix, 2020 measured bribery in 194 jurisdictions. The jurisdictions were ranked based on score. The score is calculated based on four parameters. They are Government and civil service transparency, business interactions with government, capacity for civil society oversight and anti bribery deterrents and enforcement.  Though jurisdictions are weighed based on these four parameters, the role of media is also considered while scoring them. When a country gets highest score, it means that the country is at higher risk of business bribery. Lesser the score, lesser is the bribery in the country.

Individual Scores of India

The overall score of India was 45. Under the domain Interactions with Government, India scored 50. Under the domain, Anti-bribery deterrence and enforcement, India scored 53. Under the domain Government and Civil Service Transparency India scored 36. Under the domain capacity for civil oversight India scored 40.

This says that civil service transparency of India is strong as compared to the other major parameters. The Civil Services are always considered as the backbone of Indian Governance.

Other Countries in the ranking

Denmark topped the list followed by Norway, Finland, Sweden and New Zealand. The bottom most ranks were occupied by North Korea, Turkmenistan, South Sudan, Venezuela, Eritrea.


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