Trace Bribery Risk Matrix 2019

TRACE International, the world’s leading anti-bribery standard setting organization, has released the 2019 edition of Trace Bribery Risk Matrix (TRACE Matrix). TRACE Matrix is a global business bribery risk assessment tool that measures business bribery risk in 200 countries, territories, and autonomous and semi-autonomous regions.

About Trace Bribery Risk Matrix

Ranking Parameter: Trace provides a score from 1 to 100 to each country for each domain and if a country gets a higher score it means it is in a higher risk of business bribery.

Score is based on Four Factors:

  • Business Interactions with Government
  • Anti-Bribery Deterrence and Enforcement
  • Government and Civil Service Transparency
  • Capacity for Civil Society Oversight, including the role of the media

Report Highlights

Lowest Bribery Risk: New Zealand, Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland

Highest Bribery Risk: Somalia, South Sudan, North Korea, Yemen and Venezuela

With a total risk score of 48, India is ranked higher and has been placed in a better position than neighbouring China whose score is 59. Other countries having a score of 48 in the matrix are: Azerbaijan, Ghana, the Bahamas, Panama, Samoa and Thailand, also have.

Among BRICS nations, South Africa is ahead of other countries with a score of 42 while the scores of Brazil and Russian Federation are 53 and 55, respectively.

Bangladesh is the highest risk country in terms of bribery in South Asia as its total risk score was 72 in this index. Bangladesh was ranked 178 while India stands on 78th rank.


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