World Meteorological Organisation

World Meteorological Day – Update (March, 2023)

World Meteorological Day is a significant day for meteorologists, weather enthusiasts, and anyone interested in climate and weather patterns. The day aims to raise awareness about the importance of meteorology and weather forecasting and the role of the World Meteorological ..



State of Global Water Resources Report

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) recently released its first State of Global Water Resources Report to assess the impact of environmental, climatic and social changes on the world’s water resources. Its objective is to support the monitoring and effective management ..



COP27: WMO unveils USD 3.1 billion action plan

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) recently released the Executive Action Plan of Early Warnings for All. What is the action plan all about? The Executive Action Plan of Early Warnings for All was released by during a roundtable meeting at ..



UN-WMO Goal for Climate Early Warning Systems

A project has been announced by the United Nations to put every individual on the planet in early weather-warning systems range within the next five years as natural disasters have grown frequent and more powerful due to the effects of ..



IMD Climate Hazards E-Book and Vulnerability e-Atlas

An e-book titled “Climate Hazards and Vulnerability Atlas of India- State: Tamil Nadu” has been launched by the India Meteorological Department on 23rd March as part of World Meteorological Day celebrations Overview: This newly launched atlas can be accessed by ..



WMO releases GHG bulletin

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) released its Greenhouse Gas Bulletin, recently. Key Facts As per Bulletin, abundance of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere reached a new record again in the year 2020. Annual rate of increase was above the ..


Atlas of Mortality and Economic Losses from Weather, Climate and Water Extremes (1970-2019)

Atlas of Mortality and Economic Losses from Weather, Climate and Water Extremes (1970-2019) was released on September 1, 2021. Key Findings According to the atlas, developed nations incurred the bulk of $3.6tn in economic losses because of severe weather events ..


Global Annual to Decadal Climate Update

Global Annual to Decadal 10-year Climate Update was released by United Kingdom’s Met Office led by World Meteorological Organisation. Key Findings According to the release, world will temporarily breach 1.5-Celsius warming mark within 2021-2025. It highlights, there is 40 percent ..


Statement on Climate of India during 2020

The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) recently released its Statement on Climate of India during 2020. According to IMD, 2020 was the eight warmest year on record since 1901. What are the Key Highlights of the Statement on Climate of India, ..


IMD commissions Flash Flood Guidance Services in South Asia

On October 23, 2020, India Meteorological Department commissioned the Flash Flood Guidance Services in South Asia. The service is first of its kind for the South Asian region. Highlights The Flood Guidance Service will include warning about threats six hours ..
