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India becomes third largest oil consumer

According to recently released BP Statistical Review of World Energy India has surpassed Japan to become the world’s third-largest oil consumer. With demand of 4.1 million barrels a day (bpd), India is the third-largest consumer behind the United States (19.39 ..


Two Indian-origin women named in Forbes' Self-Made American Women List

Two Indian-origin women have been named in the Forbes’ second annual list of America’s wealthiest and most successful self-made women. The list includes names of 60 most successful self-made women who have crashed ceilings through invention and innovation. The women ..


Barack Obama becomes first US president to visit Hiroshima bomb site

Barack Obama became the first incumbent US president to visit Hiroshima memorial, site of the world’s first atomic bombing dropped on August 6, 1945. He paid tribute to the 140,000 people killed by the world’s first atomic bomb attack and ..


US lifts embargo on sales of lethal weapons to Vietnam

United States has fully lifted its embargo on sales of lethal weapons to Vietnam, its one-time enemy. This move of US removed a lingering vestige of the Cold War that was seen in South East Asia in 1970’s. It was ..


US activates land-based missile defence station in Romania

United States has activated a land-based missile defence station (Aegis Ashore Missile Defence System) in Deveselu, Romania. The missile defence station is part of NATO’s larger European shield to protect member countries from short and medium-range missiles, particularly from the ..


SpaceX successfully launches Japanese JCSAT-14 Satellite

US based private space transport service company, SpaceX has successfully launched Japanese JCSAT-14 communication satellite into the space. The satellite was place into its intended preliminary geostationary transfer orbit by SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket which was launched from Cape Canaveral ..


PM Narendra Modi to address US Congress on June 8

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been invited to address a joint meeting of the United States (US) Congress on June 8, 2016 during his visit to the US. He was invited by President Barack Obama for a bilateral visit during ..


Scientists discover new planet with triple-star system named KELT-4Ab

Scientists have discovered a rare triple-star system named KELT-4Ab with a gas giant planet similar in size to Jupiter. It was discovered by the researchers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics in the United States. The research was published in ..


India ranks 6th in 2015 top-10 manufacturers list: UNIDO report

India has been ranked sixth among the world’s Top-Ten largest manufacturing countries in the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) 2015 Yearbook report. In this edition of report India has jumped by three positions to sixth position compared to earlier ..


US launches anti-dumping probe on tyres from India, Sri Lanka

United States International Trade Commission (USITC) has decided to initiate anti-dumping investigations into a certain category of tyres imported from India and Sri Lanka. Decision in this regard was taken after USITC commissioners after they found that certain category of ..
