Page-2 of upsc prelims test series 2023

Daily UPSC Prelims Current Affairs – March 28, 2023 [Mock Test]

1. Which of the following are the criterias for an intangible cultural heritage to be inscribed in the United Nations list? High antiquity of recorded history over a period of 1500-2000 years. It should be recognized by communities, groups and, ..

Daily UPSC Prelims Current Affairs – March 26-27, 2023 [Mock Test]

1. Which of the following can be inscribed into the UNESCO’s list of intangible cultural heritage? Oral traditions Social practices Practices concerning nature Skills to produce traditional crafts Choose the correct answer using the codes given below: [A] Only 1[B] ..

Daily UPSC Prelims Current Affairs – March 25, 2023 [Mock Test]

1. ‘The Fujiwhara Effect’ was seen in news recently, it is related to which of the following? [A] Income inequality[B] Gender inequality[C] Digital Currency[D] Tropical storms Show Answer Correct Answer: D [Tropical storms] Notes: The Fujiwhara Effect is any interaction between ..

Daily UPSC Prelims Current Affairs – March 24, 2023 [Mock Test]

1. Black-Naped Phesant-Pigeon has been rediscovered recently, with respect to it, consider the following statements: It is endemic to Fergusson Island in Papua New Guinea. Adequate information is not available, so it is included in the data deficient category. Which ..

Daily UPSC Prelims Current Affairs – March 23, 2023 [Mock Test]

1. Consider the following statements: Antimicrobial resistance is the resistance acquired by any microorganism. AMR has been recognised as a silent pandemic and microorganism that develop it are referred to as superbugs. Ethnoveterinary medicine are used to treat AMR. Which ..

Daily UPSC Prelims Current Affairs – March 22, 2023 [Mock Test]

1. Citizen of India can file a public interest litigation (PIL) under which of the following? Under Article 32 in the Supreme Court Under Article 226 in the High Court Under Section 133 of the Criminal Procedure Code in the ..

Daily UPSC Prelims Current Affairs – March 21, 2023 [Mock Test]

1. Consider the following pairs: Bahrain – Nicosia Qatar – Doha Ecuador – Manama Scotland – Edinburg Which of the pairs given above are correct? [A] Only 1 & 2[B] Only 2 & 4[C] Only 1, 2 & 3[D] 1, ..

Daily UPSC Prelims Current Affairs – March 19-20, 2023 [Mock Test]

1. Terms Kagyu, Sakya, Gelugpa, Jonangpa pertain to which of the following religion: [A] Jainism [B] Buddhism [C] Baha’i[D] Judaism Show Answer Correct Answer: B [Buddhism ] Notes: Nyingmapa school is the oldest school of Tibetan Buddhism. It claims as ..

Daily UPSC Prelims Current Affairs – March 18, 2023 [Mock Test]

1. Consider the following statements with respect to the Animal Welfare Board of India: It was constituted under the Wildlife Protection Act. It is a statutory advisory body under the Union Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying. Rukmini Devi ..

Daily UPSC Prelims Current Affairs – March 17, 2023 [Mock Test]

1. Consider the following statements about Eco-sensitive zones: These can be declared by the state government under the biological diversity act, 2002. They are a type in-situ conservation. Commercial use of natural water and erection of electrical cables are the ..