Page-5 of United Nations Development Group

Core Labor Standards

The Core Labor Standards are a set of four fundamental, universal and individual human rights set out in eight Fundamental International Labor organization human rights conventions.The standards are among the most widely ratified ILO (international labor organization) conventions. With the ..

India-UN Development Partnership Fund

On occasion of the World Oceans Day India-UN Development Partnership Fund was set up as partnership between India and the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC). It is supported and led by the Government of the Republic of India, ..

International Training Centre for Operational Oceanography

The Union Cabinet has approved the establishment of International Training Centre for Operational Oceanography, as a Category-2 Centre (C2C) of UNESCO, in Hyderabad. The purpose of this Agreement is to establish a training centre towards development of capacity for the ..

Mangalajodi Ecotourism Trust, Odisha

Situated on the banks of Chilika Lake in Odisha, Mangalajodi Ecotourism Trusthas won the prestigious United Nations World Tourism Organisation Awards. The trust was honoured with the coveted award for “Innovation in Tourism Enterprise” at the 14th UNWTO Awards ceremony held in Madrid, Spain Based ..

J S Rajput nomoinated as India’s representative to Executive Board of UNESCO

Professor J S Rajput, the former Director of NCERT, has been nominated as the India’s representative to the Executive Board (EXB) of UNESCO. Professor Rajput is an eminent educationist with rich experience in various fields including UNESCO. He has recently ..

India Ratings and Research (Ind-Ra) projects India’s growth to 7.1%

The India Ratings and Research (Ind-Ra) has projected the India’s economic growth to improve to 7.1% for FY19 (2018-19) from 6.5% this year, buoyed by robust consumption demand and low commodity prices. In its outlook for 2018-19, the India Ratings, ..

New Delhi hosts International Workshop on Disaster Resilient Infrastructure

Rajnath Singh, the Union Home Minister, has inaugurated a two-day International Workshop on Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (IWDRI) in New Delhi on January 15, 2018. The workshop is organized by the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) in collaboration with United Nations ..

After United States, Israel confirmed withdrawal from UNESCO

Israel has has officially confirmed withdrawal from United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) over an anti-Israel bias. Audrey Azoulay, the UNESCO chief, stated that she had been officially notified that Israel would leave on December 31, 2018. Earlier ..

First national-level Training of Trainers programme for Sendai Framework to be organise by NDMA

The headquarters of National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) is located in New Delhi. It is in news because the first national-level Training of Trainers programme for Sendai Framework will be organise by NDMA in collaboration with the United Nations Office ..

2017 World Soil Day (WSD)

The World Soil Day (WSD) is observed every year on December 5 to communicate messages on the importance of soil quality for food security, healthy ecosystems and human well-being. The 2017 theme is “Caring for the Planet starts from the ..