Page-8 of Unemployment
Unemployment in India
There are five sources of employment / unemployment statistics in India viz. NSSO, Economic Census, Employment Market Information Programme of DGET, Registrar General of India and Labour Bureau. The NSSO (National Sample Survey Office) releases its survey-based employment results every ..
Types of Unemployment
There are several kinds of unemployment rate as follows. Open Unemployment Open unemployment is a condition in which people have no work to do. They are able to work and are also willing to work but there is no work ..
Concepts Related to Labour Force
Labour Force refers to the number of persons actually working or willing to work. However, workforce refers to the number of persons actually working. Thus, workforce does not account for those who are willing to work. The difference between labour ..
Underdevelopment: Concept and Meaning
World Development Report categorizes economies on the basis of income in three categories viz. high income, middle income and low income economies. Usually, high income countries are known as developed / advanced economies while low income countries are known as ..
Self Employment and Talent Utilization Scheme (SETU) Scheme
SETU or Self Employment and Talent Utilization Scheme has received a thumbs up from various sectors and segments of economy. It has come as a boon for young entrepreneurial minds who are struggling to plug in the gaps of cash. ..
The Higher Education Conundrum
Higher education is critical for developing a modern economy, just society and a vibrant polity. It equips the young people with skills relevant for labor market and opportunity of being absorbed to prominent positions. It provides people already in employment ..
285 million working Indians require retraining
As per a study report by McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) India faces a new challenge as it needs to retrain at least 285 million working citizens who lack secondary education. Out of these, 150 million have not even completed primary ..
Month: Current Affairs - June, 2012
Indian economy is facing stagflation: Moody’s
As per the Global financial services firm Moody’s Analytics: Indian economy is going through stagflation, with slow growth and high inflation. RBI can’t be too aggressive in slashing interest rates. WPI inflation rising up to 7.5% every year in May ..
Month: Current Affairs - June, 2012