
UN World Economic Situation and Prospects 2023 Report

Ukraine – Russia war is creating energy crises, increasing inflation, and causing debt issues all over the world. Amidst these conditions and climate emergencies, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs launched the “World Economic Situation and Prospects” ..



Kantar India Union Budget Survey 2023

Kantar is a New Zealand company. The company conducts surveys and presents analytical insights. The company recently held a survey in India about the Indian Union Budget to be presented in 2023. And the results of the survey are not ..



India’s Unemployment Rate Reaches Highest Level in 16 Months

According to data from the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE), India’s unemployment rate reached 8.30% in December, the highest level in 16 months. This marks an increase from the 8.00% recorded in November. The urban unemployment rate also saw ..



ILO ‘Global Employment Trends for Youth 2022’ Report

According to “Global Employment Trends for Youth 2022” report, unemployment rare among youth aged 15-24 has reached to 15.6% across the world. It is three times of the unemployment rate among adult. This report has been released by International Labour ..



India’s Unemployment Rate in January 2022

The Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy recently released the unemployment report. According to the report, the unemployment in India was at 6.57% in January 2022. This is the lowest since March 2021. The improvement comes as the lock down restrictions ..



ICE 360 Survey-Highlights

Ice 360 survey is conducted by PRICE. PRICE is People’s Research on India’s Consumer Economy. The survey collects house hold income, financial details, expenditures, occupation, quality of living, etc. Key findings The house hold income of the rich people increased ..



Chhattisgarh Rojgar Mission

The Chhattisgarh Government is to launch an employment mission called the Rojgar Mission. The mission aims to create 15 lakh job opportunities in the state in the next five years. Key Features The mission will leverage experts from IITs, IIITs, ..



India’s Unemployment rate – Recent Trends

The Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) recently released the unemployment status report of India for the month of December, 2021. According to the report, the unemployment rate in the country was 7.91% in December. It was 7% in November. ..

