Page-7 of Tax

Tax Avoidance and Evasion

This article discussed various methods of Tax avoidances and problem of Transfer pricing and its implications on India’s tax revenues. Methods of Tax avoidances Tax Havens: Route profits through subsidiaries located in tax havens No Repatriation of Profits: Companies headquartered ..

Current Affairs : April 12, 2010

Events / Happenings & Observances:Hyderabad: International Congress of MathematicsInternational Congress of Mathematics will be held in Hyderabad in August 2010. This will be for the first time that this Congress will be hosted in India. The Fields Medal will also ..


Current Affairs Current Affairs : Business & Economy : July 28, 2009

July 25, 2009 : Govt to ban all wheat, non-Basmati riceJuly 27, 2009: Latest Tax Concessions announced by Finance MinisterJuly 28, 2009: China threates to ban seafood import from India July 25, 2009 : Govt to ban all wheat, non-Basmati ..


Annual Foreign Trade Policy 2007-08

The Annual Supplement 2007-08 to the National Foreign Trade Policy (2004-09) was announced by Shri Kamal Nath, Union Minister for Commerce & industry on April 19, 2007. 1. Exemption from Service Tax on services (related to exports) rendered abroad: Government ..