Page-3 of Supreme Court of Pakistan

Pakistan’s parliament passes bill to save top leaders from contempt of court

The upper house of Pakistan’s Parliament has passed a bill to protect top leaders from contempt of court and thwart the Supreme Court’s efforts to push the Prime Minister into reopening graft cases against President Asif Ali Zardari. The government ..


Justice H S Bedi appointed for looking into Gujarat fake encounter cases

The Apex Court appointed Justice H S Bedi (former Judge Supreme Court) as the chairman of the monitoring body to look into the case of 22 alleged fake encounter killings in Gujarat b/w 2002-06. Justice H S Bedi was chosen ..


Impeachment of Justice Soumitra Sen

On 19 August 2011, in a historic first, the Rajya Sabha voted in favour of impeaching Calcutta High Court judge Justice Soumitra Sen, finding him guilty of misappropriating funds as a judge and of misrepresenting facts. This was the first ..
