Page-42 of States

Odisha Government launches Green Passage Scheme for orphan students

Odisha Government has decided to launch Green Passage scheme for orphan students to ensure that they get free of cost higher education in the state. A proposal of the higher education department in this regard, was approved by Chief Minister ..


World’s largest Single Rooftop Solar Power Plant inaugurated in Amritsar

World’s largest single rooftop solar power plant of 11.5 MegaWatt (MW) capacity was inaugurated at Dera Baba Jaimal Singh in Beas near Amritsar in Punjab. This is the largest Solar Power Plant spread over 82 acres of rooftop in single ..


UP Government approves 'bicycle highway' between Taj and lion safari

Uttar Pradesh Cabinet has given its approval to develop over 197 km long ‘bicycle highway’ from Agra up to the lion safari in Etawah to encourage eco-tourism in vicinity of Taj Mahal. Decision in this regard was taken by State ..


Harish Rawat led Congress Government wins the Floor Test in Uttarakhand Assembly

Harish Rawat-led Congress Government has won the floor test in the state legislative assembly conducted on 10 May 2016 on the order of the Supreme Court. In the floor test Harish Rawat Government recieved 33 votes against 28 votes out ..


MP Tourism wins Lonely Planet’s Best Indian Destination for Wildlife Award

The Madhya Pradesh Tourism (MPT) won the Lonely Planet Group’s Best Indian Destination for Wildlife Award. The award was handed over to MPT at a function in Mumbai by actress Amy Jackson. On behalf of MPT Chairman, the award was ..


Gujarat Government accords minority status to Jain community

The Gujarat Government has accorded minority status to the Jain community in the state. In this regard state government has issued a government resolution (GR) giving minority status to the Jain community. Key facts The decision has nothing to do ..


Karnataka Government decides to set up Asia’s first Rice Technology Park in Gangavati

Karnataka Government has decided to go ahead with the establishment of Asia’s first Rice Technology Park at Gangavati in Koppal district. Apart from it state government has decided to set upa Maize Technology Park at Ranebennur in Haveri district. Key ..


Andhra Pradesh Harita-Priya Agriculture Project wins 2016 WSIS Prize

Andhra Pradesh Agriculture Project  has won the prestigious World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) 2016 prize in the e-Agriculture category. Harita-Priya (Harmonized Information of Agriculture, Revenue and Irrigation for a Transformation Agenda – Precision Technology for Agriculture) Project is ..


Indian Railways ink MoU with Haryana and Punjab to plant trees alongside Railway Track

The Union Ministry of Railways and Forest Department of Haryana & Punjab have inked Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for plantation of trees alongside Railway Track on Railway Land Boundary. The MoU paves way for planting around 5 lakh trees alongside ..


Andhra Pradesh Government launches Chandranna Bima Yojana

Andhra Pradesh Government has launched Chandranna Bima Yojana, an insurance scheme for the working class people. The scheme was launched by Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu on the occasion of May Day in Vijayawada. About Chandranna Bima Yojana Any insured ..
