Page-2 of Solar System

Bepi Colombo Spacecraft reaches Mercury in its journey towards Venus

The BepiColombo Space Craft was launched jointly by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency and European Space Agency to planet Mercury. The space craft has now crossed Venus on its way to Mercury. Highlights The mission BepiColombo consists of two satellites launched ..


What is Opposition Effect that will make Mars look bigger and brighter?

In October 2020, Mars is to look bigger and brighter due to ‘Opposition Effect’. What is Opposition Effect? It is the circumstance where two celestial bodies will appear in opposite directions in the sky. For instance, a full moon is ..


Scientists Found Life Harbouring Gas on Venus

Recently, a team of experts while observing the Venus found that the atmosphere of Venus contains traces of phosphine gas. Phosphine gas is associated with the living organisms which on Earth. The team used telescopes in Hawaii and Chile’s Atacama ..


Neowise: A Rare Comet to be visible in the Indian Skies

A rare comet called the “Neowise” is to be visible in the Indian skies between July 14, 2020 and July 22, 2020. The comet will be visible for 20 minutes every day. Highlights The comet was discovered by Near Earth ..


Indian Scientists detect ionized Fluorine in Extreme Helium stars for the first time

The Extreme Helium Stars are low-mass super giants and are devoid of hydrogen. So far, around 21 helium stars have been detected. The scientists at the Indian Institute of Astrophysics have determined Fluorine in Extreme Helium stars for the first ..


Saturn Moon Titan: Drifting faster than before

The moon of Saturn, Titan is drifting away faster than before. This has been identified by the researchers in NASA and also scientists in Italian Space Agency. Highlights According to the data received from the Cassini Spacecraft of NASA, scientists ..


Magnetic Field of Solar Corona unveiled

The researchers in the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy have studied the interplanetary space of the sun called solar corona. Highlights The charged particles that are radiating from the surface of the sun is called solar wind. These particles ..


New Asteroid discovered near Jupiter

Astronauts have recently discovered a rare space object. The object looks like both asteroid and comet. The new space object is called Active Asteroid Highlights The asteroid has been named 2019 LD2. It has an orbit like an asteroid and ..


Sun has entered into deepest period of Sunshine Recession

The sun has reached into a state of ‘solar minimum’. It has been more than 100 days since sun has shown zero sunspots. The sun is to enter into the deepest period of ‘sunshine recession’. Highlights The cycle of the ..


19 Interstellar Asteroids discovered between Jupiter and Neptune

The Brazilian Astronomers have discovered 19 new asteroids between the Jupiter and the Neptune. The astronomers believe that they joined the solar system 4.5 billion years ago. Highlights As the universe began to expand, the sun was born and the ..
