Page-3 of Smart cities

Union Government shortlist 20 cities under Smart Cities Mission

The Union Ministry of Urban Development has shortlisted 20 cities from 11 States and Delhi Union Territory in the list of first batch of Smart Cities Mission. These shortlisted cities were selected from Smart City Challenge competition in which 97 ..


India’s Competitiveness and Current Paradigms

Although India has comprehensively turned around five years of decline and climbed 16 places in one year, the Global Competitiveness Index 2015 report still places India among the “factor driven economies” because we have largely “insufficient” and “ill-adapted” infrastructure to ..

Conceptualizing the Smart Indian cities

Indian is one of the fastest growing emerging markets of the world. Its burgeoning population stands second, next only to china. It has 31% of urban population growing at an annual rate of 3% and contributing 60% to its GDP. ..