Page-2 of Science and Technology

Fugaku: World Fastest Supercomputer

A Japan based Supercomputer, Fugaku developed by Fujitsu and the Riken Research Institute has been named the fastest supercomputer in the world. Highlights The fugaku has gained the top spot after beating out its Chinese and US counterparts. Also, it ..


INST develops Nanotechnology based antiepileptic drug Rufinamide

The Institute of Nano Science and Technology (INST) operating under Department of Science and Technology has developed a nano-technology based low cost antiepileptic drug Rufinamide. Highlights The drug developed is a part of Atma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan. Several nanotechnology initiatives ..


New Biomolecules to fight Kala Azar Drug Resistance

A team of researchers from Department of Biotechnology, National Centre for Cell Science have found ways to combat drug resistance of Kala Azar disease. Miltefosine is the only drug available against Leishmaniasis or Kala Azar and is losing its effectiveness ..


“Arogya Path”: Portal to provide health care supply updates launched

The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research National Health Supply Chain portal called “Arogya Path” was launched to provide real-time availability of health care supplies. Highlights The Arogya path will serve suppliers, manufacturers and customers. It will act as an ..


ARPIT: Airborne Rescue Pod for Isolated Transportation by Indian Air Force

The Indian Air Force recently developed Airborne Rescue Pod for Isolated Transportation (ARPIT). The pod is to be used to evacuate critical patients that are suffering from COVID-19. Highlights The Indian Air Force identified the need for an air evacuation ..


Magnetic Field of Solar Corona unveiled

The researchers in the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy have studied the interplanetary space of the sun called solar corona. Highlights The charged particles that are radiating from the surface of the sun is called solar wind. These particles ..



The Defence Research Development Organization has developed the SUMERU PACS, that helps to reduce sweating of Personal Protective Equipment wearers. Highlights The DRDO scientists found that the PPE wearers felt very uncomfortable after wearing them for more than 30 minutes. ..


GoI to formulate new STIP (Science, Technology and Innovation) policy

The Department of Science and Technology along with the office of Principal Scientific Adviser to GoI are to jointly formulate National Science Technology and Innovation Policy 2020. The policy is to be formulated in bottom-up, decentralized process. About the Policy ..
