Page-9 of Saudi Arabia

India to stop Importing Crude Oil from Iran

In the backdrop of the US refusal to extend the sanctions waiver for India to import crude from Iran, the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas has taken steps necessary steps to end the imports from Iran. Even though India ..


US to End Sanctions Waivers to India

Reports suggest that the US could terminate the sanctions waivers it granted to some importers of Iranian oil after it re-imposed sanctions on Iran last year. Ending of Sanction Waiver Reports indicate that the US has already communicated to seven ..


Saudi Arabia to host G20 Summit in 2020

Saudi Arabia will host the 15th edition of G20 summit in its capital Riyadh, which is scheduled to be held on November 21-22, 2020. This would be the first G20 summit to be hosted by an Arab country. The summit’s ..

President Trump vetoes Bill to end U.S. support for Yemen War

President Donald Trump has vetoed the resolution from the US Congress which directed him to end U.S. support for the civil war in Yemen. Why the President has vetoed the Congress Resolution? President trump has stated the following reasons for vetoing ..


Health Ministry Urged to Frame Law to Ban Manufacture, Sale of e-cigarettes

The Ministry of Commerce and Industries has urged the Health Ministry to frame law banning manufacture and sale of e-cigarettes in the country as in the absence of the domestic legislation, it would not be possible to put a blanket ..


PM Narendra Modi Honoured with Order of St Andrew the Apostle

Russia has awarded PM Narendra Modi with ‘Order of St Andrew the Apostle’ to PM Narendra Modi for promoting the bilateral special and privileged strategic partnership. The statement by the Russian Government has stated that Prime Minister of India Narendra ..

Khashoggi’s children deny settlement

The Saudi had announced the settlement to the killing of the journalist Khashoggi. He was killed in the Saudi consulate of Istanbul. The Saudi government said that it would offer monthly 5 figure payments and a luxury million dollar house ..

World Bank’s Migration and Development Brief

As per the report of the World Bank’s Migration and Development Brief, India has retained its position as the world’s top recipient of remittances (money sent back home by its nationals working abroad) in 2018. World Bank Report on Remittances ..
