Page-3 of Satellite

Kessler syndrome

The Kessler syndrome is a condition in which any collision between the objects in space is likely to generate a cascade of multiple space collisions in the low Earth orbit (LEO). Each further collision would generate more space debris which ..

China launches its first sea-based space rocket from Yellow Sea

China has successfully launched a space rocket from sea for the first time and became the third nation to successfully demonstrate the ability to launch satellites into orbit from a floating platform after Russia and United States. The China National ..

Japan ‘s privately developed rocket ‘Momo-3’ reached outer space

A Japanese aerospace startup Interstellar Technology Inc. has become the first private firm in Japan to launch a rocket into space. It has successfully launched a small rocket ‘Momo-3’ from its test site in Hokkaido, which reached about 110 kilometers ..

ISRO to launch Radar Imaging Satellite ‘RISAT 2BR1’ by end of May 2019

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) announced its plans to launch its latest radar imaging reconnaissance satellite ‘RISAT 2BR1’ towards the end of May 2019. Its launch was earlier scheduled in 2020 after RISAT-2A but is now preponed. About Launch ..


Nepal carried out its first satellite “NepaliSat-1” into space

Nepal has launched its first satellite “NepaliSat-1” into space. The satellite was launched in the early morning (2:31 am) of Baishak 5, 2076 on 18th April, 2019. NepaliSat-1 satellite was launched by CygnusNG11 mission by NASA in Virginia, USA. This ..

Nepal launchesits first satellite NepaliSat-1 into space under BIRDS project of Japan

Nepal has successfully launched its first satellite NepaliSat-1 into space from Virginia in the United States. The satellite was developed by the Nepalese scientists. NepaliSat-1 is a low orbit satellite which will be in the 400-km distance from the Earth’s ..

Sri Lanka launchs its first satellite ‘Raavana-1’ into space

Sri Lanka has launched its first satellite ‘Raavana-1’ into space from the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport at NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility on Virginia’s East Shore. It weights around 1.05 kg and the lifespan of the satellite is around one and a ..

Space scientist Dr SK Shivakumar passes away

Dr SK Shivakumar, the renowned space scientist and former Indian Space Research Organisation Satellite Center (ISAC) director, has passed away in Bengaluru on April 14, 2019. He was part of the team that developed the telemetry system for Chandrayaan-I – ..

Pakistan expresses concern over Indian Space Weapons Test

Pakistan has expressed deep concern over the Indian test of an anti-satellite weapon and its possible impact on other space installations like the International Space Station. It was on March 27, that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had announced that India ..

China launches second generation data relay Tianlian II-01 satellite

China has successfully launched the first of its new-generation ‘Tianlian II-01’ data relay satellite into orbit by a Long March-3B carrier rocket from the Xichang Satellite Launch Centre in southwest Sichuan Province. This is the first of China’s second-generation data-tracking ..