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Section 4 of the RTE Act

The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009 has been enacted to provide for free and compulsory education to all children in the age group of six to fourteen years. The Act has come into force ..


Kosi River is called Bihar’s sorrow. It is one of the largest tributaries of the Ganges and also known as Saptakoshi due to 7 of its tributaries. It originates in Tibet.

Stand-By Arrangements (SBA) (IMF)

The bulk of non-concessional IMF assistance is provided through SBAs. The SBA is designed to help countries address short-term balance of payments problems. Program targets are designed to address these problems and disbursements are made conditional on achieving these targets ..

SRI cultivation

SRI refers to System of Rice Intensification. This improved method of rice cultivation was developed in 1983 in Madagascar and has now spread to many parts of the world. The farmers across India are adopting System of Rice Intensification (SRI), ..

Srebrenica massacre

Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina had declared independence from Yugoslavia on October 15. 1991. This Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina was formally recognized by the European Community on 6 April 1992 and by the United States on 7th April 1992. ..

Squad Mission Support System (SMSS)

Squad Mission Support System (SMSS) is currently being tested with troops in Afghanistan. Lockheed Martin touts this 2200 kg system as the largest autonomous ground vehicle ever deployed with the infantry. The mission of the SMSS is to carry the ..


Samarium (Sm) is a chemical element with atomic number 62 and atomic weight 150.36. It is a moderately hard silvery metal which readily oxidizes in air. Naturally occurring samarium has a radioactivity of 128 Bq/g. It is composed of four ..

Sam Pitroda Panel Report on Railways Modernization

Prime Minister’s advisor Sam Pitroda has unveiled an ambitious Rs 8 lakh crore modernisation roadmap for Indian railways to be carried out in ‘mission mode’ in next five years. The report has come on top of the Rs 1, 00,000 ..