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Low Birth Weight and Child Mortality
A new research paper developed by experts from the World Health Organization, UNICEF and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, published in The Lancet Global Health makes the following observations: More than 20 million babies were born with low ..
Odisha aims to become India’s First Malaria-Free State
The State of Odisha which had a distinction of accounting about 40 per cent of malaria cases in the country is now working to eliminate the mosquito-borne disease altogether over the next five years. Malaria Malaria is a contagious disease ..
WHO South-East Asia Region sets target of 2023 to eliminate measles & rubella
The member-countries of the World Health Organisation (WHO) South-East Asia Region have resolved to eliminate highly infectious childhood killer diseases measles and rubella by 2023. The resolution was adopted at the 72nd session of the WHO Regional Committee for South-East ..
Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and Thailand successfully controlled Hepatitis B
Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and Thailand have recently become the first four countries in the World Health Organization (WHO)’s South-East Asia region to have successfully controlled Hepatitis B. The virus is said to be controlled when the disease occurrenceis reduced to ..
Manipur tops rankings in Health Ministry report card on “Breastfeeding & Infant & Child feeding Practices”
The Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare, Dr. Harsh Vardhan has recently released a report card on “Breastfeeding & Infant & Child feeding Practices” with data from the State and UTs on 8th August in New Delhi. In it, ..
2019 edition of World Hepatitis Day (WHD)
The World Hepatitis Day (WHD) is observed every year on 28rd of July to raise awareness about the disease which causes inflammation of the liver and claims around 1.4 million lives every year. The date of 28 July was chosen ..
AIIMS collaborates with Ministry of Health to conduct largest pan-India oral health survey
In 2019, the AIIMS Centre for Dental Education and Research will undertake the largest nationwide oral health survey in collaboration with the Ministry of Health to collect data that would act as a baseline for planning preventive and treatment strategies. ..
United Nations World Drug Report 2019
The United Nations World Drug Report 2019 released by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) makes the following observations: Globally around 35 million people are estimated to suffer from drug use disorders and who require treatment services. ..
2019 edition of World Vitiligo Day (WVD)
The World Vitiligo Day (WVD) is observed every year on June 25 to raise awareness about the condition. The 2019 theme ‘The Quality of Life of a Vitiligo Patient’ focuses on mental and medical journey of vitiligo. Vitiligo is an ..
Hemant Pandey develops a herbal drug to treat leucoderma
Hemant Pandey, a senior DRDO scientist, has developed a herbal drug – Lukoskin – to treat leucoderma, a condition in which white patches develop on the skin. The auto-immune condition, also called ‘vitiligo’, can be life-altering. Vitiligo is neither contagious ..