Page-3 of Robotics

Scientists create world’s first molecular robot

Scientists from University of Manchester have created world’s first ‘molecular robot’ — millionth of a millimetre in size. It can be used to build molecules and may help discover novel drugs. Key Facts The molecular robot is millionth of millimetre ..


Robotics In Warfare: Various Issues, Developments; Recent Approaches In UN

It is taking the world by the storm, giving rise to many controversies and criticisms, and also got recently discussed in the First Committee (Disarmament and International Security). The world is concerned about the acceptability of autonomous weapons – the ..

Scientists develop new software that can crate 3D models from 2D photographs

Scientists including one of Indian origin have developed new artificial intelligence (AI) software called SurfNet that can create three dimensional (3D) models from 2D photographs. When fully developed SurfNet could have significant applications in the fields of 3D searches on ..


Scientist develop ingestible 3D-printed snake-like robot

Scientists have developed a tiny, ingestible 3D-printed snake-like robot called SAW (single actuator wave-like robot), that can navigate through the small intestines. The snake-like tiny robot was made from a set of interlocking 3D-printed “plastic” pieces that look like vertebrae. ..


India hosts World Robot Olympiad for the first time

India hosted the 13th edition of the World Robot Olympiad on the sidelines of trade fair in New Delhi. This is for first time India hosted World Robot Olympiad. It has been organised by National Council of Science Museums (NCSM), ..


Current Affairs : August 21, 2011

Diamond Jubilee celebrations at Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics Dr. Manmohan Singh will attend the closing ceremony of the Diamond Jubilee celebrations of the Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics in Kolkata Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project for coastal states Centre sanctioned ..
