Page-7 of Reserve Bank of India

Reserve Bank Innovation Hub

The Reserve Bank Innovation Hub (RBIH) has been inaugurated by Shaktikanta Das, governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in Bengaluru. Overview: RBIH has been set up as a wholly-owned subsidiary of the RBI with Rs 100 crore as ..



RBI: Amendments in Payments Systems Rules

The Reserve Bank of India has amended the Payments and Settlement Systems Regulations. This system allows the companies who are seeking to run payment businesses to apply for licenses from the regulator. Overview: The application for licensing should include the ..



J&K FDI Policy

Jammu & Kashmir’s Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha has approved a foreign direct investment (FDI) policy for the union territory with a foreign stake of a minimum of 51 percent. Overview: L-G Manoj Sinha approved the Policy for Promotion of Foreign ..



RBI Sell/Buy Swap Auction

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) recently announced to undertake a “sell/buy swap auction” of USD 5 billion in March, 2022. Highlights The Sell/Buy Swap Auction will help in levelling the liquidity of rupee in the light of expected behemoth IPO ..



25th Meeting of Financial Stability and Development Council

In the city of Mumbai, the Financial Stability and Development Council’s (FSDC) 25th meeting was held. This meeting was held under the chair of Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman. Overview: The council discussed the different mandates of the FSDC as well ..



India’s UPI Platform in Nepal

The first country to adopt India’s UPI system will be Nepal which will be critical in modernising the neighbouring country’s digital economy. Overview: To deliver the services in Nepal, NPCI International Payments Ltd (NIPL), NPCI’s international arm, has partnered with ..



RBI Window for Primary Dealers

The Reserve Bank of India recently provided a new special window for bond houses called “Primary Dealers”. The window allows to exchange illiquid securities. Illiquid securities are those securities that cannot be sold easily or directly. That is, the investors ..



RBI approves NSDL e-Governance as Account Aggregator

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) approved the “NSDL e-Governance Infrastructure” as an account aggregator. Key Points NSDL e-Governance Infrastructure is an IT-enabled services provider. It got an in-principle approval from RBI for setting an account aggregator business under the wholly ..


India’s foreign exchange reserves increased by USD 2.039 billion

As per RBI data, India’s foreign exchange reserves increased by USD 2.039 billion in the first week of October 2021. Highlights Foreign exchange now stands at USD 639.516 billion. In the last week of September, reserves had dropped by USD 1.169 ..


Digital Payments grew 30.19% during the Financial Year ended March 2021: RBI

RBI data has showed that digital payments in India have recorded a growth of 30.19% during the financial year which ended on March 2021, Highlights The newly constituted Digital Payments Index (RBI-DPI) in its report said that at the end ..
