Page-13 of Reserve Bank of India
RBI appoints R Gandhi and Ananth Narayan on Yes Bank Board
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has appointed former RBI Deputy Governor R Gandhi and former banker Ananth Narayan on the board of Yes Bank. They have been appointed as Additional directors on the board for two years. Ananth Narayan ..
RBI to regulate entire activities of Payment Aggregators
The Reserve Bank of India recently announced that it will regulate the entire activities of Payment Aggregators (PAs). Payment Aggregators enable the e-commerce sites and merchants to accept various payment instruments from the customers. As per the guidelines on regulation ..
Union Cabinet approves Yes Bank reconstruction plan
The Union Cabinet approved a reconstruction plan proposed by the RBI for providing financial assistance to the Yes Bank. Union Finance Minister announced that the authorised capital of Yes Bank has been increased to Rs 6,200 crore. Under the plan, SBI will infuse Rs 7,250 crore in the Yes bank and take 49 per cent ..
RBI issues regulatory guidelines for implementation of Ind AS
The Reserve Bank on Friday issued regulatory guidelines for implementation of Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) by Non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) and Asset reconstruction companies (ARCs) when they prepare their financial results from FY20. Indian Accounting Standards is the Accounting standard adopted by ..
RBI reduces exposure limits for UCBs
According to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) notification, the single borrower and group exposure limit for Urban cooperative banks (UCBs) to 15% and 25% of tier I capital, respectively. This reduction in limit is to mitigate concentration risks arising ..
SBI to infuse Rs.725 Cr into Yes Bank
The Reserve Bank of India drafted a reconstruction plan of Yes Bank recently. As per the plan, the investor bank shall buy 49% stake in Yes Bank. Recently, the State Bank of India announced that the executive committee of its ..
India’s CAD narrows to 0.2% in December quarter
As per the recent notification of the Reserve Bank of India, Current Account Deficit (CAD) was 0.2% of GDP in December quarter when compared to 0.9% of GDP in the September quarter. It also stated that the CAD narrowed to ..
Chalasani Venkat Nageswar appointed as Deputy managing director and CFO of SBI
State Bank of India recently announced that Chalasani Venkat Nageswar has been given additional charge of Deputy managing director and Chief financial officer (CFO) of the bank. He is presently serving as the Deputy Managing Director (International Banking Group) has ..
RBI unveils Yes Bank revival scheme
The Reserve Bank of India recently unveiled a draft scheme of revival Yes Bank, which has been put under the control of RBI. RBI also announced that State Bank of India is to make investment in Yes Bank and participate ..
RBI capped Rs 50,000 as withdrawal limit of YES Bank customers: What is YES BANK CRISIS in news?
On March 5, 2020, the Reserve Bank of India imposed a month-long moratorium. Also, the Apex Bank has imposed withdrawal restrictions of Rs 50,000 to the customers. However, in case of medical emergencies and higher education fees, the restriction has ..