Page-3 of Quarantine

ICMR: Three Quasi-sub species of COVID-19 virus in circulation in India

On April 1, 2020, the Indian Council of Medical Research reported that three quasi sub species of COVID-19 virus are in circulation in the country. According to the council, they were imported variants. Highlights In India, the COVID-19 cases originated ..


ICCR launches International painting competition on COVID-19

On March 31, 2020, the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) launched global painting competition on the title Title: United against CORONA-Express through Art Highlights The ICCR aims to build cultural links between countries in the world. It tries to ..


Indian Railways offer 3.2 lakh isolation beds

The Indian Railways until 31 March, 2020 has modified 20,000 coaches to accommodate 3.2 lakh people. It is still working with 5,000 more coaches to add 80,000 more beds. Highlights The Indian Railway coaches have been converted into isolation wards ..


Indelible Ink

The Election Commission has decided to allow the health authorities to make use of indelible ink for stamping of home quarantined people. Use in Home Quarantining Process The Election Commission has allowed the indelible ink to be used for marking ..