What is Aphantasia?
Aphantasia is a fascinating condition that affects visual imagination, first noted in the 1880s by Francis Galton. The term itself was introduced in 2015 by neurologist Adam Zeman and recent studies have shed light on how this condition works. Definition ..
Month: Current Affairs - November, 2024
Category: Science & Technology Current Affairs
Cambridge Analytica’s OCEAN scale and voter profiling
The US Federal Trade Commission held Cambridge Analytica guilty of deceiving Facebook users recently. The process also revealed how they illegally collected data for the US elctions. The firm made use of the OCEAN scale. Ocean Scale: It is a ..
Nomophobia declared People’s Word of 2018 by Cambridge Dictionary
The UK’s Cambridge Dictionary has recently declared “Nomophobia”, the word that describes the stress and anxiety caused by being separated from your mobile, as People’s Word of the year 2018. The word is defined as the fear or worry at ..
2018 National Press Day (NPD) celebrated in November 16
The National Press Day (NPD) is celebrated every year on 16th of November to commemorate the establishment of Press Council of India (PCI) in 1966. This was the day on which the PCI started functioning as a moral watchdog to ..
IIT Kanpur develops an online tool “TreadWill” to help people deal with mental health issues
The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur has developed an online tool “TreadWill” to help people cope with issues related to mental health. The tool has been developed by a team with collaborative support from the Computer Science and Engineering ..
Ministry of Women & Child Development holds first-ever National conclave on Psychological Trauma, Child Protection and Mental Illnesses
The first-ever National conclave on Psychological Trauma, Child Protection and Mental Illnesses was held at J L N Auditorium in AIIMS, New Delhi on March 27-28, 2018. The purpose of the conclave was to provide a comprehensive synthesis of research, ..
Indian-origin boy Dhruv Garg got top score in Mensa IQ in United Kingdom (UK)
Dhruv Garg, an Indian-origin boy from Wokingham in south east England, in the United Kingdom (UK) has got the highest possible score of 162 on a Mensa IQ test that placed him in the top 1% people in the world ..
Psychological egoism of Hobbes versus Ethical egoism of Ayn Rand
Rand defines altruism as the view that “Any action taken for the benefit of others is good, and any action taken for one’s own benefit is evil”. Thus, the beneficiary of an action is the only criterion of moral value—and ..
Thomas Hobbes Psychological Egoism
Psychological egoism is the position that we always do that act that we perceive to be in our own best self-interest. That is, we have no choice but to be selfish. We cannot be motivated by anything other than what ..
Role of Persuasive Communication in Attitude Change
In attitudes and attitude change, psychologists have identified the role of communication in persuading others. There are few Techniques that are used by the communicators to persuade the other people. Lets have a basic idea of them first. Impression Management ..